By now, you may have heard about our new CEIC industry roundtable sessions for professionals in retail, finance, and healthcare. These focused, media-free sessions provide a forum for security and e-discovery specialists to discuss current trends and challenges that affect their work on a daily basis. First you've heard of our roundtables? Take a look at our previous post.
So why should you spend valuable CEIC time on a roundtable? Here are the three most compelling reasons.
#1 - Chilling statistics for financial, retail, and healthcare industries turn up the heat on discussions about digital investigations.
The new industry-focused roundtable discussions at CEIC put you side-by-side with your peers who are passionate about conquering the latest threats to data and e-discovery processes. We all know the stakes are rising and the challenges are becoming more complex, as shown by these recent findings:Financial: The Verizon 2014 Data Breach Investigations Report says that the financial industry leads the list with the highest number of security incidents with confirmed data loss.
Retail: A recent survey from the Ponemon Institute showed the average cost of cyber crime for U.S. retail organizations more than doubled from 2013 to an average of $8.6 million per company in 2014.
Healthcare: The U.S. Department of Health and Human Services estimates that the medical records of between 27.8 and 67.7 million people have been breached since 2009.
#2 - Inquiring minds want to know, "How are others doing it?"
So many of your most pressing challenges are shared by your peers in your industry that it can be invaluable to put your heads together in a focused sessions. By attending the roundtable, you'll tap an unprecedented opportunity to learn from each other's successes and even mistakes.Financial Pros: Find out how other are managing the new wrinkles in SOX compliance, securing ATM systems, and maintaining cyber attack and data breach evidence for legal purposes.
Retail Pros: Share new ways to grapple with PCI DSS compliance, securing POS systems, and maintaining breach evidence for legal purposes.
Healthcare Pros: How are others mastering HIPAA compliance, information governance, and records management?
#3 - Build a peer network to choose the best tools and strength best practices.
Another benefit of the industry roundtables is their small size. Space is limited and media-free, which lends a more intimate, "off-the-record" tone to the discussion. Our goal is to foster a sense of trust and kinship between fellow attendees to build a long-term network within which you can confidentially discuss new tools, processes, and best practices.Financial: The increasing sophistication and potential damage of cyber threats as well as the always changing demands of regulatory compliance make it imperative to continually evolve your approach to data-related risk.
Retail: All eyes are on your security and privacy practices. How have your peers optimized their infrastructures to respond to risk arising from PCI DSS 3.0, POS-systems security, data privacy, loss prevention, and the rest?
Healthcare Pros: Attacks on healthcare providers are on the rise at the same time you're dealing with the HIPAA Final Omnibus Rule and EU privacy requirements. What are the emerging best practices?
Learning how others are streamlining security and e-discovery approaches while effectively serving many masters (regulatory bodies, legal authorities, stockholders, executive management) promises to be a highly valuable experience.
We hope you can add your voice to one of these focused discussions, so if you haven't already, why not register today? Questions? Drop a line to Ale Espinosa.
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